Welcome to my Blog!

Hey everybody! Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is Saskia and I am a marketing and digital arts student. I am originally from Germany, but currently live in Wilmington, NC.
Maybe you have visited Europe and know that Europeans love traditions and follow them throughout their lives. The one that I am particularly fond of has to do with family, friends, and COFFEE! ;) A lot of you might not know this, but what tea time is for the people in Great Britain, is coffee time for the Germans! Whenever possible we get together with friends, family members, or colleagues and have coffee and cake, and just chat about whatever.
Since I really love this tradition (and coffee) so much, this blog contains information, interesting facts, and funny stories about coffee and coffee lovers.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Coffee Day!!!

Today is International Coffee Day!!! Yay!

I hope all of you enjoy great Espresso's, Latte's, Cappuccino's, Frappuchino's, Iced Coffee's, or whatever kind of coffee you might like.

Happy Coffee Day!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ironically, my mom who owns a coffeshop was taken offguard by coffee day. Luckily, she was able to quick post a special to celebrate coffee's special day. I have to say, I celebrated with a large cup of Birthday Cake Fusion. It's a sweet coffee, but it is so tasty of that's what you are in the mood for. How did you celebrate International Coffee Day?
