There are many legends about coffee...
The stimulating effect of coffee beans on the human mind was discovered by accident, just as the healing powers of tea - only more than 1000 years later. How coffee was actually discovered is not exactly known. However, there are many legends about it. One is a story of a herd of goats, which stole their guards’ sleep by jumping around all night long, still wide awake and happily bleating, until these guards finally found out that the goats always munched on red and green fruits of a particular shrub (the coffee bush). Later, the monks of the nearby monastery were the first to enjoy the perking drink, as they pounded the fruit to a powder and mixed it with hot water.
The stimulating effect of coffee beans on the human mind was discovered by accident, just as the healing powers of tea - only more than 1000 years later. How coffee was actually discovered is not exactly known. However, there are many legends about it. One is a story of a herd of goats, which stole their guards’ sleep by jumping around all night long, still wide awake and happily bleating, until these guards finally found out that the goats always munched on red and green fruits of a particular shrub (the coffee bush). Later, the monks of the nearby monastery were the first to enjoy the perking drink, as they pounded the fruit to a powder and mixed it with hot water.
The origin of the coffee bush...
The origin of the coffee bush is in the highland region of Ethiopia. There, the green beans were first chewed by nomadic tribes. Starting in the 9th Century, a drink was first made from the fruit.
In the 11th Century, the Arabs already planted coffee on the irrigated coastal slopes of the Red Sea. In Yemen, the coffee bean was first roasted on stone slabs.
How coffee was named...
The word "coffee" derives from the ancient Arabic word "qahwah". Originally that word described the wine that Muslims are forbidden to drink. The Turks called it "kahweh. Because of the exciting and slightly intoxicating effect of coffee it became known as the “wine of Islam”.
The origin of the coffee bush is in the highland region of Ethiopia. There, the green beans were first chewed by nomadic tribes. Starting in the 9th Century, a drink was first made from the fruit.
In the 11th Century, the Arabs already planted coffee on the irrigated coastal slopes of the Red Sea. In Yemen, the coffee bean was first roasted on stone slabs.
How coffee was named...
The word "coffee" derives from the ancient Arabic word "qahwah". Originally that word described the wine that Muslims are forbidden to drink. The Turks called it "kahweh. Because of the exciting and slightly intoxicating effect of coffee it became known as the “wine of Islam”.
The spread of coffee...
The Turks did not only take over the teachings of the Arabs and their prophets, but also their favorite drink. They were the first that invented the great art of preparing coffee by brewing it with roasted beans.
Due to the Arabs’ strict monitoring of the coffee-growing process and them keeping it a big secret, the Western countries were only introduced to the beverage in the 17th Century.
The first coffee house in Europe opened in 1640 in Venice...
Finally, the triumph of coffee beans in Europe was unstoppable. The years between 1650 and 1750 were enough time for the alcohol-free "wine of Islam", to become a highly sought after beverage in all of Central Europe.
Wow, this is really great information. I am a huge fan of coffee, and it's cool that I know about the history of how it evolved into what we know today!!! I know a few people who will find this information interesting. I will be sure to pass it along!